Message Form MD

Md.Asmanul Haque (Asman)

Managing Director

Cell : +8801713083558

Welcome to NOVUS FASHION (BD) LIMITED. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our clients, business associates and international partners for being part of our incredible journey to success and prosperity. NOVUS FASHION (BD) LIMITED dedicated team with extensive professional experience in readymade garments manufacturing and supply chain management. We have come a long way from our humble beginning to become one of the leading and a fast growing textile sourcing and manufacturing company in Bangladesh.
The textile industry is a major contributor to the national economy and to the development of Bangladesh for the last 25 years. In this respect, NOVUS FASHION (BD) LIMITED is playing a significant role to fulfill the requirements of the ever changing and challenging market place. We are determined to continuously invest in innovation and in developing and implementing effective solutions throughout the supply chain to increase efficiency and competitiveness. We are committed to continuous improvement in our Corporate and Social Responsibilities. Our relentless endeavor shall be to provide our clients an elite customer service with complete transparency and integrity. To proudly promoting sustainability and fairness in our global operations and business environment.

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